Welcome to eMindfulness Mode: A programme to help with body image concerns.
eMindfulness Mode (as the name might suggest!) encourages the use of mindfulness, which is a way of thinking that involves paying attention to your experience (e.g., thoughts, feelings, perceptions, memories, sensations, and urges) in the present moment without judgement. Several decades of research have already shown mindfulness to be helpful for pain, stress, anxiety and mood problems, and more recently, body image concerns.
Over the next 2 to 3 weeks, we’ll explore mindfulness and how it can help us tune into the present moment and manage difficult or negative experiences by being more aware and accepting of them.
Overview and Goals
You may have chosen to participate in this study because of body image concerns. You are not alone! Body image concerns are very common across all ages, genders, and sexual identities and can lead to poor mental and physical health.
This programme is designed to help with body image concerns, including the factors that influence them (e.g., media pressures and comparisons with others) and their consequences (e.g., feelings of shame, anxiety, and unhelpful eating or exercise habits).
Body image can be a sensitive topic, so please be kind to yourself as you work through the programme. Take breaks whenever you need and approach the exercises at your own pace.
NOTE: This programme will not help you change your actual body. Decades of research show that changing appearance is not an effective way to overcome body image concerns. Click here to read more.
Some of the goals of this programme are to:
1. Identify thoughts and feelings related to our bodies.
2. Learn a new way to lightly hold these emotions and thoughts, from a distanced perspective, and to observe what happens as a result.
3. Practise awareness and acceptance of uncomfortable thoughts and emotions, both generally and about our bodies.
4. Increase choice and flexibility in responding to thoughts and feelings about our bodies.
5. Develop a non-judgemental way of thinking about ourselves.
What to Expect
There are a few important practical things to mention before you start.
eMindfulness Mode blends easy-to-follow reading with practical exercises. You’ll practise mindfulness techniques both during the modules and, more importantly, in between. The programme also explains the key ideas behind mindfulness and why they’re helpful. Remember, the real benefits come from the time you spend engaging with these techniques, so it’s all about balancing learning with doing. As research shows, it all comes down to practice, practice, practice!
There are 9 mini-modules, each taking about 10–15 minutes. Some may be shorter, others a bit longer. The first one might take a little longer (~15–20 minutes) as it sets the foundation for the programme.
The mini-modules can be completed at convenient times over 3 weeks. We recommend completing 1 every 2 days, if possible. This pace allows time to reflect, apply, or revisit concepts before moving on.
↓ Here’s our recommended schedule (but it’s totally up to you!)
Each mini-module will include exercises that you can practice on your own, in between, whenever it might be helpful.
Research suggests that this programme can improve body image in just 3 weeks. Everyone’s journey is different, and continuing to apply what you learn can help support long-term progress.
Making the Most of Your Journey
To get the most out of this programme, we encourage you to…
Complete the mini-modules in order (from 1 to 9) because the concepts introduced build on those from the previous mini-modules. Having said that, you might like to revisit previous mini-modules or move through the mini-modules in your own way – that is totally fine! All the mini-modules will be available to you from the beginning.
Complete each mini-module at roughly the same time of day because research suggests that this will help you make it a habit. It can also be helpful to pair it with something you do regularly anyway (e.g., your morning coffee!). You can add an event to your calendar or set a reminder on your phone—whatever helps make it part of your routine!
Prioritise working through the mini-modules over the next 2 to 3 weeks. Make time for practising, completing, and reflecting on the exercises. Using headphones can help minimise distractions and improve focus. This programme works best when you fully engage in the mindfulness exercises, both in and out of the modules. You deserve this!
Involve others you trust in your journey as you work through the material. This could be friends, family, significant others, or a therapist. Research suggests that sharing your experience and seeking support can help you stay consistent and provide emotional encouragement.
Write down your reflections, notes, and comments as you go through the programme. This will help you engage actively and remember the material. You can use the programme (your reflections will not be read by anyone) or another method, like a notes app or pen and paper. Just a heads-up: Any notes you make in the programme won’t be saved. If you'd like to keep them for future reflection, be sure to save them elsewhere!
If you have any questions or concerns about the programme or your participation, please contact the researcher at emindfulnessmode@bath.ac.uk at any time.
Congratulations on choosing to be proactive in improving your body image! We wish you the best on your journey.