Exploring How a Digital Mindfulness Programme Improves Body Image and Mood

This information sheet is part of the consent process. It explains the research and what taking part involves. Please read it carefully and email the researcher at with any questions.

1. What is the purpose of this research study?

This study aims to explore how a digital mindfulness programme can help improve body image and mood. Body image refers to how you think and feel about your weight, shape, or appearance. Evidence suggests that mindfulness can support improvements in body image.

Please note: this programme will not encourage or help you to change your actual body. We recommend reading this quick Introduction so you know what to expect.

2. Who can take part in this research study?

Anyone aged 16 to 35 years! Body image concerns are a common issue across all ages, genders, and sexual identities.

That said, we don’t recommend this brief digital programme for people with a clinical eating disorder.

3. Do I have to take part?

Your decision to participate is entirely up to you. Please read this information carefully and ask any questions you may have. If you choose to participate, you will need to sign a consent form. You can withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason.

4. What would taking part involve?

This study is completely online. After you give consent, you will complete some questionnaires about your body image, mood, and related topics. 

Next, you will have access to a digital mindfulness programme designed to improve body image and mood. The programme is accessible via a website on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. It lasts three weeks and includes nine mini-modules, each taking about 10 minutes. You can do them whenever you like, but we suggest completing one every two days at a similar time. There will also be mindfulness exercises to practice in between the modules. Everyone will follow the same programme, but each person will be randomly given different mini-modules on various topics.

After three weeks, you will fill out the same questionnaires again. If you do, you will get a £10 Amazon e-voucher. One month later, we will invite you to fill them out one last time, and you will receive another £10 Amazon e-voucher for completing them.

5. What are the possible benefits of taking part?

Previous research has shown that mindfulness-based programmes can improve body image and mood, so you might see an improvement in these areas as a result of your participation. Furthermore, the information you provide will help us shape a larger study aimed at creating more effective programmes to improve body image and mood.

6. What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

We do not anticipate any significant disadvantages or risks associated with taking part in this study. However, if reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours— particularly those related to your body and mood—may cause you significant distress, you may wish to decline participation.

7. Who will have access to the information I provide?

Only the research team (and University governance staff where appropriate) will have access to information that you provide, and this information will be treated as confidential.

8. What will happen to the data collected and the results of the research study?

We will keep all the information you provide confidential and anonymise it two weeks after data collection. Your data will be stored securely on the University of Bath's password-protected server, in line with UK data protection laws. The data will be kept in the University archives for at least 10 years. No identifying information will be shared in any research presentations or publications.

Once the study is finished, other researchers at the University of Bath may use your data for related studies, but the conditions outlined in this form will still apply. Any further use of your data will be part of studies approved by the University of Bath.

9. Who has reviewed the research study?

This study has been given a favourable ethics opinion by the University of Bath Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (ref: 6813-9587).

10. How can I withdraw from the research study?

You can withdraw from the study at any time without providing a reason or facing any penalties by emailing the researcher at To withdraw your data, please email within 2 weeks of submitting the data you wish to withdraw. All data will be anonymised 2 weeks after data collection is completed.

11. University of Bath privacy notice

The University of Bath privacy notice can be found here:

12. What happens if there is a problem?

If you have any concerns about any aspect of the study, email the researchers, who will do their best to address your questions. If they are unable to resolve your concern or if you wish to make a complaint about the study, please contact the Research Governance and Compliance Team at